Keyboard shortcuts(press key with mouse cursor on sky map):
a → toggle atmosphere s → toggle stars k → set time rate to zero
g → toggle ground S → toggle star labels l → increase time speed
h → change map projection u → toggle planet/Sun/Moon labels – → subtract 1 day
i → invert colours p → toggle planets/Sun/Moon = → add 1 day
, → toggle Ecliptic line o → toggle planet orbits [ → subtract 1 week
; → toggle Meridian line c → toggle constellation lines ] → add 1 week
e → toggle Ra/Dec gridlines v → toggle constellation names ← → rotate left
z → toggle Az/El gridlines b → toggle constellation boundaries → → rotate right
m → toggle Galactic gridlines R → toggle meteor shower radiants ↑ → increase magnitude limit
M → toggle Galactic plane 8 → set time to now ↓ → decrease magnitude limit
q → toggle cardinal points j → decrease time speed