General Articles

Spooky alignment of quasars across billions of light-years

This artist’s impression shows schematically the mysterious alignments between the spin axes of quasars and the large-scale structures that they inhabit that observations with ESO’s Very Large Telescope have revealed. These alignments are over billions of light-years and are the largest known in the universe. The large-scale structure is shown in blue and quasars are …

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Philae Wins Race to Return Comet Findings

Two images zero in on the spot where Philae touched down — and then bounced away — on the surface of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The landing occurred precisely where it should have, but a pair of anchoring harpoons failed to activate. ESA / OSIRIS team With its battery power failing, Philae became the “little lander than …

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Bright Spot in Uranus’s Atmosphere

Australian amateur astronomer Anthony Wesley took these composite images of Uranus on September 19th and October 2nd, showing the dramatic appearance of a bright storm on a planet that normally displays only a diffuse bright polar region. The color is from RGB filters, but the spot appears in infrared. Anthony Wesley Amateur astronomers have confirmed …

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