General Articles

Mystery ‘dark flow’ extends towards edge of universe – New Scientist

11 November 2009 by Marcus Chown Something big is out there beyond the visible edge of our universe. That’s the conclusion of the largest analysis to date of over 1000 galaxy clusters streaming in one direction at blistering speeds. Some researchers say this so-called “dark flow” is a sign that other universes nestle next door. …

Mystery ‘dark flow’ extends towards edge of universe – New Scientist Read More »

Mysterious bright spot found on Venus – New Scientist Magazine

23:52 29 July 2009 by Rachel Courtland A strange spot emerged on Venus last week, and astronomers are not sure what caused it. They hope future observations will reveal whether volcanic activity, turbulence in the planet’s atmosphere, or charged particles from the sun are to blame. Amateur astronomer Frank Melillo of Holtsville, New York, first …

Mysterious bright spot found on Venus – New Scientist Magazine Read More »

Moon is coldest known place in the solar system

Permanently shadowed craters near the moon’s south pole stay at a constant -240 °C – 10 °C colder than Pluto (Image: NASA) 18 September 2009 by MacGregor Campbell Poor Pluto. First it gets kicked out of the planet club, now it’s not even the coldest place in the solar system. Dark craters near the moon’s …

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Mercury looms large as probe closes in for final flyby

Messenger snapped these images over a span of four days as it approached Mercury for its third and last flyby on Tuesday. The image on the far right was captured on Monday, when Messenger was about 542,000 kilometres away from the planet’s surface (Images: NASA/JHU/APL/CIW) 29 September 2009 by Rachel Courtland NASA’s Messenger spacecraft is …

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Mammoth black holes push universe to its doom – New Scientist

30 September 2009 by Rachel Courtland THE mammoth black holes at the centre of most galaxies may be pushing the universe closer to its final fade-out. And it is all down to the raging disorder within those dark powerhouses. Disorder is measured by a quantity called entropy, something which has been on the rise ever …

Mammoth black holes push universe to its doom – New Scientist Read More »