General Articles

Probe gets clearest glimpse yet of cosmic dawn

The microwave strip observed by Planck (multi-coloured curve) is superimposed on a visible-light image of the sky, which is dominated by the disc of our Milky Way galaxy (Image: ESA/LFI/HFI Consortia/Axel Mellinger)   The Planck spacecraft has obtained its first peek at the afterglow of the big bang, revealing it in unprecedented detail. Its first …

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Planet-hunting method succeeds at last

A long-proposed tool for hunting planets has netted its first catch – a Jupiter-like planet orbiting one of the smallest stars known. This artist’s concept shows the smallest star known to host a planet. Image credit: Nasa/JPL-Caltech The technique, called astrometry, was first attempted 50 years ago to search for planets outside our solar system, …

Planet-hunting method succeeds at last Read More »

New Nasa temperature maps provide whole new way of seeing the Moon

High-resolution thermal map of the north polar region of the moon. The map covers the region to 80° north latitude and was assembled from Diviner observations obtained in July and August, 2009. Fig. 3a shows Diviner Channel 3 observations, which define the illuminated areas of the moon as they appeared when the observations were acquired. …

New Nasa temperature maps provide whole new way of seeing the Moon Read More »

New ion plasma rocket under development by former astronaut – Popular Mechanics

Click here for the Vasimir website VASIMR PM introduces a new ion plasma rocket under development by former astronaut Franklin Chang Díaz. Employing his company’s Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR) system, the rocket could theoretically travel from Earth to Mars in less than 40 days, using a tiny amount of fuel and saving hundreds …

New ion plasma rocket under development by former astronaut – Popular Mechanics Read More »

Nasa instruments reveal water molecules on lunar surface

These images show a very young lunar crater on the side of the moon that faces away from Earth, as viewed by Nasa’s Moon Mineralogy Mapper on the Indian Space Research Organization’s Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft. On the left is an image showing brightness at shorter infrared wavelengths. On the right, the distribution of water-rich minerals (light …

Nasa instruments reveal water molecules on lunar surface Read More »