General Articles

Moon Saturn occultation images by Danie van der Spuy

This morning, at around 05h15, Saturn disappeared behind the Moon. At around 06h30, it re-appeared from behind the darkened edge (near the terminator). Herewith some pics, taken with a digital camera through the eyepiece of my 8″ telescope. If you have a ‘movie’ option on your laptop, use it….!

Twin probes discover ‘zebra stripe’ pattern in Earth’s inner radiation belt

Artist illustration of the Van Allen Probes which are helping scientists study two giant belts of radiation around Earth. Image credit: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center By Jenny Winder | 22 March 2014 (Sen) – Scientists, using data from the twin NASA Van Allen Probes, have discovered a new, persistent pattern in Earth’s inner radiation …

Twin probes discover ‘zebra stripe’ pattern in Earth’s inner radiation belt Read More »

Astronomers observe first direct evidence of Cosmic Inflation

The tiny temperature fluctuations of the cosmic microwave background (shown here as color) trace primordial density fluctuations in the early universe that seed the later growth of galaxies. These fluctuations produce a pattern of polarization in the CMB that has no twisting to it. Gravitational waves from inflation are expected to produce much a fainter …

Astronomers observe first direct evidence of Cosmic Inflation Read More »

Transformational Science with the SKA – symposium Stellenbosch Feb 2014

  In 2014 it will be over twenty years since the first discussions of the SKA and the ambitious call for a radio telescope with a considerable increase in sensitivity (two orders of magnitude) over existing instruments. It will also be ten years since the publication of the rationale for the SKA in ‘Science with …

Transformational Science with the SKA – symposium Stellenbosch Feb 2014 Read More »

An Ultramassive Black Hole

J1532 X-ray: NASA/CXC/Stanford/J.Hlavacek-Larrondo et al, Optical: NASA/ESA/STScI/M.Postman & CLASH team One of the most powerful things in the universe wears a sparkly purple coat. Well, at least it looks that way in this image combining data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Hubble Space Telescope. This is an image of the galaxy cluster RX …

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